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Codecasa celebrates 200 years of history

With the beginning of the year 2025, Codecasa Shipyards are celebrating their 200 years of activity, always and only managed by the Codecasa Family. This is an important goal, to be very proud of.

Codecasa celebrates 200 years of activity

Codecasa Shipyards were founded in 1825 by the shipwright Giovanni Battista Codecasa in the town of Viareggio, the centuries-old cradle of the Italian shipbuilding. In 1902 Giovanni Battista Codecasa, named Tistino, succeeded, managing the Yard over the hard times of the Second World War and showing a remarkable showing a remarkable capacity for adaptation which will prove to be a winning factor for the company. Tistino was then succeeded by his sons, Ugo and Sandro, who operated in the Viareggio of the 60’s, the temple of the Italian seafaring at that time.

200 years with Codecasa family always at the helm

At the beginning, the Company focused on the building of sailboats, reaching a production of over 50 ships in addition to fishing boats, pontoons, light boats and vessels of all types in the year 1946. When Ugo passed away in 1973, the baton passed onto his son, Fulvio Codecasa, the key actor in the Yard life. Fulvio adopted a winning strategy, pushed by a desire of diversification, which brought Codecasa to the centre of the international scene, combining the production of work boats with that of luxury motoryachts.

In 1985 Fulvio’s daughter, Fulvia, joined her father and subsequently also her younger sister, Elena. At a later stage, their husbands, Ennio Buonomo and Fabio Lofrese, also entered in the management of the Company, continuing the family tradition steadily. During the 2000s, this well-planned route was followed by Fulvia and Ennio’s sons, Matteo and Niccolò, and recently by their daughter Chiara.

The yachts that made this 200-year history

From 1973 until the end of the 90’s, the yard has been launching yachts very different from each other. Just to mention some of them, the motoryachts Entrepreneur and Casabella, cruising in the American waters. In 1975, the 27 meters yacht Fair Play, which introduced Codecasa’s own style. Then, it was the turn of the 62 meters Luisella, the largest Yacht Codecasa has built so far and the first one intended for the charter use. In 1994 the Blue Velvet followed and in 1996 Charly Coppers which opened the series of the 48/51 meters and many other successful projects.

Codecasa Shipyards’ growth

Simultaneously with the building innovation, Codecasa Shipyards also expanded in the Viareggio area: in addition to the Ugo Codecasa Shipyard founded in 1977, in 1982 also the CodecasaDue Shipyard was opened, established on the old site of the Yard in the Darsena Toscana. Then, in 1987, the Codecasa Tre Shipyard, located in the Nuova Darsena, was added. Starting from 2011, a new premise located in the Navicelli area in Pisa was integrated, a large building made of four sheds, more suitable for the building of large vessels.

The new millenium

Early in the 2000’s, Codecasa revealed a new surprise, entering the field of the aluminum fast yachts of large size, having what it took for a sure shot. The first model, launched in 2004, was built for an experienced Yacht Owner, Fulvio Codecasa himself. That Yacht was named after his beautiful wife, Maria Carla.

A prestigious portfolio

The Owners of the yachts that Codecasa has built over the years are the yard best ambassadors: both Giorgio Armani, the Cavaliere Leonardo del Vecchio, Stefano Gabbana and Domenico Dolce owned two yachts. Paolo Bulgari and Piersilvio Berlusconi, too, sail on a yacht of the Italian shipyard.

Quality and Loyalty: the foundation of two centuries of success

Codecasa Shipyards stand out for its unmatched construction quality and unmistakable product identity, with loyalty at the core of its work. This same loyalty is reflected in its clients, who have chosen and continue to choose this brand. Equally important is the enduring loyalty of its collaborators and its commitment to a signature style—because a Codecasa yacht follows the lines of its predecessors, refining and enhancing their details.

That’s why “evolution” is preferred over “revolution.” These 200 years of activity are also the result of the dedication and passion of many people. Today, Cantieri Navali is, in every sense, a big family that proudly and wholeheartedly carries forward the values established and instilled by its founders.

by Alessandro Da Rin Betta

Credits: superyachts.news